At first it measures the time required to enforce a contract through the court in terms of Calendar days. Basically the time to :
- -File & serve the case
- Obtain judgment
- Enforce that judgment
With that regards contract enforcement takes in Egypt an average of 1010 days, so nearly 2 years and nine months. The indicator also measure the cost required to enforce a contract through the Court, in terms of legal fees, Court Expenses & enforcement fees. The average cost of such procedure in Egypt amounts to 26.2 % of the value of the claim.
Finally it also measures the quality of the judicial process & system. The quality of judicial processes index measures whether each economy has adopted a series of good practices in its court system in four areas:
- court structure and proceedings,
- case management,
- court automation
- alternative dispute resolution.
The score on the quality of judicial processes index is the sum of the scores on these 4 sub-components. The index ranges from 0 to 18, with higher In light of all this, it appears that enforcing a contract in Egypt is extremely difficult as Egypt rank on the 155th position according to the World bank report – Doing Business edition 2016. For Instance in comparison with the average of Middle East & Noty African countries, it takes almost one more year to enforce a contract.